Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween / DIYs

Hey you guys! So as I'm sure you can tell this is a Halloween blog post. I seriously just thought of this together in like a couple of hours so sorry that I only have 2 DIYs and 3 things/ideas to share with you guys but, I really love doing crafty things so I was so glad when I came up with this idea because this is basically the first time I am showing you guys my crafty side and not just my photo side. So yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this post, and I apologize in advance for these pictures because these pictures are definitely not my best work, because I took them in my bedroom and the lighting is not horrible, but I hope you like these ideas/DIYs. And last thing sorry for posting this just the day before Halloween, but in case your just looking for some really quick room decorations to take some cool Halloween pics with your friends or you know with your grandma or your mom or whoever you want, then let's just go ahead and just lets get started. 

Okay so this DIY (I guess you could call it) is just a really really easy thing, you just go on line and look up "Halloween Clipart" and it just comes up with a whole bunch of cute Halloween pictures. Then you just cut them out and tape them to your wall and there you go.

Alright this next thing is just another clip art thing I just looked up "candy corn clip art" and found this really cute candy corn and this is my favorite DIY out of the 2. And these socks are just from one of my family's good friends, I'm assuming that there probably from target or some place like that! 
This is just a pumpkin from my mom, so I'm not sure where it's from, but is really cute! 
This is a book that I actually got from school and it's called "how about chicken" and it's not a Halloween book but I feel like it's a book for fall time so I decided to put it on my desk.
And then of course no desk during Halloween is completely without out a bowl of candy! 
Hope you guys enjoyed this and if you do any of this DIYs use the hashtag #boosue (I literally just made that up as I was sitting here writing this, but I guess it sounds okayish ahahha) 

If you don't already follow me on my social medias: 
Instagram: swedishsue
Twitter: swedishsue00
Snapchat: swedishsue

I love you guys so much and I will see you next time. Bye! 

Sincerely, Suzy Ahlman, Swedish Sur. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Exciting NEWS!!!!!!

Hi Everyone. So last week I'm sure that you know That we got to 1,000 followers. Which I am so excited about! Ahhhh!

But this week I have some other very exciting news, so buckle up your seat belt and let's get started. 

Lately I have been thinking about how much I love watching other people's lives on SnapChat, YouTube etc. and so I thought to myself what if someone out of my 1k followers felt the same way about me? So no I'm not going to start a YouTube channel or something crazy like that but I am going to start blogging about my week or sometimes I will post daily about my day that day and I hope that someone out there is happy about this because I know that I am. This doesn't mean that I'm not going to do photography anymore it just means that I'm going to start doing more things with my blog then just photography. I also just really want you guys to get to know me better. Anyways I hope that you guys will enjoy this series of Swedish Sue because I think that I personally am really going to enjoy it. I love you guys so so much and I will inform you on Instagram (@swedishsue), SnapChat (@swedishsue), and Twitter (@swedishsue00) when I do my first Weekly/Daily post! 
Hope you guys have a great day and I love you guys so much. Bye!!!!!

Sincerely, Suzy Ahlman, Swedish Sue. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

1k Followers!!!!! (Introduction 2)

Hello. I hope that you are all having an amazing week. Today this post is HUGE for me. Because of you we made it to 1k followers! Ahhhhhhhh! I am so grateful to all of you, when I started this blog I was just wanting to share what I love to do with some of you out there. But now look where we are!  1,000 followers might not seem like much but I am so so so so so so so so so so so grateful to all of you! 

So now with out further to do here are some interesting (and embarrassing) things about me:

1. I love to surf. Yes that is always the first thing I tell people about me (makes me feel cool) 
2. Favorite show is Greys Anatomy. If you knew me before this, you know that I hate the end of season 8. Of course my favorite characters "leave." If you know what I mean then you know what I mean. 
3. My favorite emoji is the braces one. 
4. I have braces! 
5. I love old films. Can't buy me love, Breakfast Club, Dirty dancing etc. 
6. I sometimes act like I have my own YouTube channel *crickets* #talktoyourselfmuch (that's the embarrassing one)  
7. I wished for a camera 3 years in a row for my birthday! Got one Christmas of 2014. Dreams do come true. 
8. Apple only. Iphone, Mac, iPad etc. 
9. Next birthday wishes are going to be for a Apple MacBook Pro 13 inch. 
10. I had a photography account before Swedish Sue. 
11. My name is Susanne Alexandra Ahlman. But I go by Suzy, Suzy Q, Sue, daughter, sister, little sister, big sister, student, you get the point...
12. I have 3 sister, and 2 brothers. Amanda, Summer, Me, Roxy, David, Joseph. 
13. Beach Boys!!!!!!!!!! 
14. Bee Gees!
15. I like to sing. 
16. I love acting.
17. I can be very weird around my family, but very shy in school. Except in Drama, I can be very weird in drama. 
18. Favorite gum flavor is Spearmint. 
19. Love Pho. 
20. Bright colors! 
21. Can't wait for collage! 
22. Chick-fil-a
23. Don't like to read, but best book I've ever read is Michael Vey.
24. Best water is arrowhead.
25. H&M
26. $ saver.
27. Victorious Secret, PINK. Fresh & Clean is my favorite kind of perfume & lotion.
28. Going to be a Child Psychologist 
29. Going to go to UCLA
30. Favorite number is 9. Because my favorite addition problem is 4 + 5. Don't ask me why because I don't know...
31. Green eyes.
32. Blond Hair. 
33. Don't really know a lot about makeup but I try. Hey im only a freshman right...*thinking* 
34. I am a freshman in High School. PHS forever! 
35. Love being Swedish. My dad is half Swedish so I am 1/4 Swedish. And my mom went on her mission to Sweden. I hope to go to Sweden someday.  I love being Swedish, I love my blog, and I love my followers. 

Thank you all so much. I really could not say Thank You enough. 

Now so you know what my face looks like here is a picture! 

Thank you to for this amazing picture and for taking time out of her day to take them of me.
(Follow The Mumsy Blog on Instagram

If you don't already you can go follow me on: 
Twitter: @swedishsue00
Snapchat: @swedishsue
Instagram: @swedishsue. 

Thank you guys and I will talk to you soon with some other existing news!

Here to 1,000 followers.

Sincerely, Suzy Ahlman, Swedish Sue.